About us

Meet the team

Steve Rogers

Managing Director

Steve Rogers started the company in 1995 having previously graduated from London University and spending 6 years working for Pitney Bowes. His philosophy is that you want to inspire people and customers to want to work with you and treat them well enough that they want to stay with you. Outside of work he foolishly continues to play football and as a paid-up member of the Barmy Army has watched England play cricket round the world for the last 30 years.

Steve profile

Lindsey Mepstead-Jackson

Senior Account Manager

Lindsey wandered into our offices one day canvassing and was hired on the spot. She now heads up both our folder inserters and our security sections. Incredibly loyal and dedicated she takes huge pride in her work and her commitment to her customers. One word of caution though is as an insomniac it is quite possible you will receive e- mails from her about 4 AM. Lindsey doesn’t stop. Out of work running a catering company at weekends and also as an adrenaline junkie counts several marathons, long bike rides and climbing the three peaks amongst her achievements. We are waiting for her next hare brained idea!

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Steve Waller

Senior Account Manager

Steve joined us on the day we moved into our new office in 2013 – slightly chaotic and I think he wondered what he had let himself in for (we swiftly felt the same way) Previously he was Sales Director at Versapak (packaging company) for many years and is now an expert in our corporate accounts as well as doing a great job of mentoring within our sales team. Extremely diligent Steve takes huge pride in the relationships and rapport he builds with customers and is something of a perfectionist. At leisure Steve is a keen karaoke singer but rest assured he has it written into his contract that he is NOT allowed to sing to customers.

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Tom Lacey

Account Manager

Tom joined us temporarily in March 2019 and was swiftly seduced to stay full time by the bright lights of Greenhithe. Working alongside Lindsey, Tom has quickly become a true expert with our security products. Full of energy and loves his work, Tom is highly assiduous and professional. Tom is also the untidiest and when not working is eating, talking about eating or updating everyone with traffic reports.


Rebecca Jackson

Account Manager

The force of nature that is Becs works alongside Steve Waller in our mailing division. Very professional and very focused except for the odd occasions when she will collapse into fits of uncontrollable giggling for no apparent reason. Married to ‘Millwall’ Dave she is also the mother to 3 girls and about 20 of us in the office. Without a doubt would be an outstanding candidate if TV comes calling to produce a reality soap opera ‘keeping up with the Jacksons’. When mixed with wine likes to remind everyone that she was national pool champion in her youth.

Rebecca MMR

Sean Fry

Account Manager

Sean joined our Franking sales team in 2022 and is often the first port of call with customer assistance and consumables (with his recommendation of Fry before you buy) There is not much Sean doesn’t know about the internal workings of a franking machine which makes him outstanding company round the dinner table. Very logical Sean always eats his chocolate bar before his sandwich on the basis he might not be very hungry later. Outside of work he enjoys car maintenance which he has worked out saves him a fortune as all the time his car is off the road and his girlfriend ferries him around = no petrol costs.

Sean MMR

Charlie Mepstead

Account Manager

A product of our youth development scheme Charlie was 4 when his mother joined the company. Works in operations under the guidance of Tim (he still refutes the idea that he should pay us for that privilege rather than the other way round) he has already mastered the skills of ‘turn it off and on again’. Outside of work it is little coincidence that Rob Beckett and him are never seen in the same room together.

Charlie MMR

Tim Pile


Every company should have a Tim – joined originally on work experience in 1998 and has done just about every job in the company. Now Operations Director he is in charge of most things including website, marketing, CRM, IT and overseeing both our service and wonderful customer experience teams. First in the office and last out at night he knows the answer to just about everything. Apparently, we are led to believe he goes home occasionally to his wife and two lovely children (who are hopefully scheduled to join the company around 2030!).


Marie Davenport


Marie originally joined us as maternity cover for Carly but loved us so much that she insisted on staying. Jack of all trades and master of them all Marie combines her accounts work with heading up our service, holidays, sickness, health and safety and most contentious of all heating monitor! She appears now to have moved onto recruitment having persuaded her daughter to join us. Outside of work Marie can usually be found either running or drinking wine and having entered the Bordeaux marathon is hoping to combine the two together.


Amber Davenport

Customer Experience 

Daughter of Marie and part of our family and friends recruitment policy (it’s nothing to do with saving on agency fees!) who joined our customer experience team in September 2019 fresh from school. A marvellous edition Amber is incredibly conscientious and professional and adding new skills every day. She also takes huge pride in the office and when not cleaning it is harassing everyone else about their tidiness. Our mergers team are trying to persuade her to get together with Tom so if nothing else she can explain to him what a hoover is. Outside of work Amber can probably be found in the tanning salon or nail salon and is being earmarked for hair and make up for future nights out (and that’s just the boys).


Jaime-Lee Rolfe

Customer Experience 

The life and soul of the office working in our Customer Experience department and heads up our order processing. As she likes to remind us without her there would be no customers! Dislikes people who spell her name wrong but other than that has a heart of gold and is naturally one of the funniest people you could ever meet. Still working on her fancy dress outfit for the office calypso party having decided it means that she has to dress as an ice cream.


Katie Payne

Executive Assistant to the Office Dogs

Joined on a temporary contract initially to install our new ERP system (Wyatt) Katie has since proved to be an inspired acquisition in our fast-growing customer experience team. Loves nothing better than a really good process and procedure so keeps us all organised. Katie’s other role is Executive Assistant to Cece and Pablo. Pablo thinks she does a great job but Cece in her last review pointed out that a little bit more attention and a few more treats wouldn’t go amiss. Outside of work is at her happiest sleeping or drinking sparkly bubbles and is currently working on a way to do them both simultaneously.

Katie MMR

Pippa Rowe


Works in our accounts team so clearly a very good person to get on the right side of if we owe you money. Pippa is currently studying for her AAT exams as well as becoming an expert in Microsoft accounts. She is equally knowledgeable about the availability and duration of free car parking spaces around the office. Without a doubt her main hobby is Arsenal FC and as well as following them home and away is encyclopaedic in all things related to The Gunners.



Office Dog

The youngest and most enthusiastic member of the team. Pabs loves going to work, loves being at work, loves everyone and in fact thinks life is fantastic, However, he remains slightly perturbed that nobody else seems at all alarmed when the postman comes in and steals letters and packages from our office. Helps out with the office shredding as well when deprived of his chews.
