PostBase Vision 3S
The brand new FP Mailing PostBase Vision is the updated version of the extremely popular PostBase Qi range.
The Vision’s Award-winning design, easy to use colour touchscreen, good looks and multiple colour options make this franking machine an ideal choice for you.
The latest technology but easy to use
The new range was developed for use with Royal Mail’s Mailmark barcode technology and it shows. This new franking machine needed to include the latest technology but had to be easy to use. The large colour touchscreen with one home button makes it so simple to operate. For you this means that anyone in your office even without training can walk up to the machine and correctly weigh and price their post, change logo, or add postage funds to the machine to ensure that your post gets out on time before your Royal Mail collection or your trip to the Post Office.
Fast operation at the touch of a button
If you generally use the same Royal Mail services such as First Class Letter or Small Parcel (which nearly all businesses do) then the home screen allows for shortcuts to be added; meaning no searching through a menu or looking up prices. This makes for extremely fast operation so within one tap of a button your post is ready to be franked.
Quiet cycling and changeable colours
For businesses that keep their franking machines in a reception area or in quiet areas then you will really appreciate the PostBase Vision’s unique conveyor system because your post gets franked so quietly. Items up to 10mm thick glide through the machine with barely a sound. The changeable colour options mean that you can also choose from a range of colours to match your branding or office décor.
Label dispenser
Need to send parcels or bigger items? The PostBase Econ franking machine includes a built-in label dispenser which is invaluable if you are sending a mixture of mail items. An easy tap of the screen and you’ll be franking onto a label which is easily affixed to your parcel. Need to send multiple items at the same value? Enter the number of items and the PostBase Vision 3S will quickly print as many as you need.
Simple connectivity
The new PostBase range is also designed to easily connect to your existing network for postage downloads and automatic postage rate updates. You can choose to connect via a wired LAN connection, but if you prefer then choose our simple built-in Wi-Fi option and your franking machine can be used anywhere in your premises.